Iran iraq war in the air pdf

Iraniraq, 70,000 prisoners of war repatriated how does law. Manosevitz in october 1980, the cia briefed then presidential candidate ronald reagan on the impact of the iraniraq war in the middle east. The iraniraq war is one of the largest, yet least documented conflicts in the history of the middle east. Professor karsh addresses the causes of the iran iraq war, unpacking the objectives of the two belligerents and examining how far objectives were matched. During these years, the air combat produced many aces in the iranian air force, thanks to a superior training and doctrine. The first gulf war, better known as the iraqiran war the imposed war, as the iranian authorities came to call it was one of the longest and most atrocious interstate conflicts since the end of world war ii. Irans military doctrine michael connell the iraniraq war 19801988 was a defining moment for the iranian military and it continues to underpin many aspects of iranian military doctrine. Parts of the conflict go back to the split in islam following the death of the prophet muhammad as iran was eager to spread shia islam to the rest of the middle east, but the conflict is not typically characterized as a religious war, mainly because there is little evidence to. This conflict began when iraq invaded iran in 1980 followed by border disputes and irqs desire to become dominant persian gulf state and the iranian revolution at that time. The role of airpower in the iraniraq war maxwell afb, al. The islamic revolution tipped the balance, however. Iran iraq war in the air 19801988 by tom cooper and farzad bishop atglen, pa. In discussions of irans regional missile proliferation, lebanese hezbollah and yemens houthi rebels tend to dominate the conversation. Iranian military planners are adept at incorporating lessons from other conflicts, such as the u.

Fighting was ended by a 1988 ceasefire, though the resumption of normal diplomatic relations and the withdrawal of troops did not take place until 1990. The iran iraq war was not only the longest war in the twentieth century, it was the last conventional war in history. The causes and effects of the the iraniraq war essay bartleby. Known for its brutality and violent conditions, khorramshahr came to be known by the iranians as khuninshahr persian. Iraniraq war, 198088, prolonged military conflict between iran and iraq during the 1980s. Iranian soldier wearing protective gas mask against iraqi chemical attacks top right. Includes discussion about several attacks by israeli fighters on an iraqi nuclear reactor and discussion of military operations and targets in iran. The air force had had to intervene to allow the iraqis to repel the iranian tanks and reestablish their defensive line. Meanwhile, iraqi air attacks on iran were repelled by irans f14 tomcat interceptor fighter jets, using phoenix missiles, which downed a dozen of iraqs sovietbuilt fighters in the first two days of battle. Ayatollah khomeini has been replaced by ayatollah khameini, who appears to be. The iraniraq war, which ended in august 1988, one month short of its eighth anniversary, was one of the longest, bloodiest and costliest third world armed conflicts in the twentieth century.

The iraniraq war had begun almost two weeks prior when the iraqi air force launched airstrikes on 10 iranian airfields. The iranian leader, ayatollah khomeini, had called on irakis to rise and overthrow saddam hussein. The iraniraq war can also be seen to be a extension of the arabpersian conflict over leadership in the middle east. The battle took place from september 22 to november 10, 1980. By 1991, it was one of the largest air forces in southwestern asia, with well over 700 fixedwing combat aircraft. Pdf the iraniraq war can be seen both as a symptom of. Thefirstarabisraeli war 194749 it is hard to say if the arab air forces learned any airpower lessons from their experiencesin thefirst warwith israel. The war began when iraq invaded iran, launching a simultaneous invasion by air and land into iranian territory on 22 september 1980 following a long history of border disputes, and fears of shia insurgency among iraqs longsuppressed shia majority influenced by the iranian revolution. The war between saddam husseins iraq and ruhollah khomeinis iran ended 27 years ago, before most of todays iraqis and iranians were alive. The iraniraq war, by pierre razoux the new york times. Except that they should have been scored within 12 months of first sidewinderdeliveries to iraq, exact dates of these claims remain unknown, and there is no firm confirmation from iran. List of iranian aerial victories during the iraniraq war.

In midjanuary 1990, during the opening days of the gulf war, a large number of sorties were di. Irans missile program dates to the 1980s, and was fully underway during the iraniraq war. Thefirstarabisraeli war 194749 it is hard to say if the arab air forces learned any. Ammar al hakim has led isci since the death of his father, abd. After the downfall of mohammad reza shah pahlavi, iranian personnel fled the country, the remaining ranks were purged, and equipment was neglected. By then there was already unambiguous evidence indicating the urgency of defusing the imminent danger posed by iraq and its primary allies in the growing terrorist conspiracy. Download the brief the issue there is growing iranian activism in the middle east despite u. Part of the arabiranian conflict and persian gulf conflicts. Iraniraq, 70,000 prisoners of war repatriated how does. In 1984, the iraniraq war spilled into the persian gulf.

There has been an increase in the size and capabilities of militias supported by the islamic revolutionary guards corpsquds force in iraq, syria, lebanon, and yemen collectively. The war began when iraq invaded iran, launching a simultaneous invasion by air and. The iraniraq war was an armed conflict between the islamic republic of iran and the. Although iraq was dissatisfied with the outcome of the algiers accord, it was powerless in light of irans greater military might. First, the iran iraq war was the longest war of the twentieth century, providing the iraqi air force ample opportunity to grow and improve. Iraniraq war 198088, prolonged military conflict between iran and iraq. The iraniraq war was an armed conflict between the islamic republic of iran and the republic of iraq lasting from september 1980 to august 1988. Participation of a child soldier on the iranian front top left. Open warfare began on september 22, 1980, when iraqi armed forces invaded western iran along the countries joint border, though iraq claimed that the war had begun earlier that month, on september 4, when iran shelled a number of border posts. Dec 12, 2002 this volume about the iran iraq air war is a first step to filling the gaps of knowledge about how aerial operations were conducted during that war. The iraqis claimed a total of five airtoair kills with these missiles, including two f5es, one f4d, one ch, and a bell 214c helicopter. Contains discussions regarding the status of iraniraq war and current military plans and preparations to resist iranian raids effectively by air and sea. The role of airpower in the iraniraq war air university.

According to iraq itself, it consumed almost 19,500 chemical bombs, over 54,000 chemical artillery shells and 27,000 shortrange chemical rockets between 1983 and 1988. A military and strategic history goes far beyond these themes, taking a unique look at saddams decisionmaking throughout the war. This monograph represents a continuation of a series of research efforts designed to extend the knowledge of the contemporary middle east, military history, and iraqi military effectiveness during the course of three major wars. No one is sure of the total casualties during the iraniraq war, but estimates range from 500,000 to 1 million dead, 12 million wounded, and more than 80,000 prisoners. Iraniraq war 1 iraniraq war the iraniraq war, also known as the imposed war, jangetahmili and holy defense. Iraniraq war caused an enormous ecomomic, military and social problems to both iran and iraq.

Maedh ayed allihaibi, colonel, royal saudi air force. The last great air war was that between iran and iraq 19801988. This iraqi strength was reflected in the fact that. More important, the iranian air force was more effective than the. Iraniraq war in the air 19801988 by tom cooper and farzad bishop. Since air power, firepower, armor and mobility are iraqs chief military assets, the northern sector is a difficult one for the iraqis. Iraniraq war in the air 19801988 schiffer military history. Religion iran was governed by muslim clerics theocracy. The protracted war between these neighboring middle eastern countries resulted in at least half a million casualties and several billion dollars worth of damages, but no real. This volume about the iraniraq air war is a first step to filling the gaps of knowledge about how aerial operations were conducted during that war. The causes and effects of the the iraniraq war essay. It had nothing in common with the decolonization wars, for the iraqi and iranian regimes both claimed to be anticolonial, nationalist.

The middle east after the iraq war rand project air force rand project air force paf, a division of the rand corporation, is the u. Iraq had purchased new and very capable fighter aircraft, including mig29s from the soviet union and mirage f. Irans islamic revolution of 1979 was a big and unpleasant surprise to pretty much every government that cared, especially to the west, which lost an important ally the shah. The slow advance of the iraqi army, often due to iranian air power, gave them plenty of time to establish defenses and to bring in reinforcements. Hezbollah today possesses an estimated,000 rockets and shortrange missiles, and the houthis have fired over 250 projectiles into saudi arabia since 2015. While irans ballistic missile capabilities were initially limited, the range and sophistication of the countrys missiles has increased greatly since its inception in the early days of the iraniraq war. In this book, major bergquist examines the air war between iran and iraq. Port quarter view of uss stark listing to port after being mistakenly struck by an iraqi warplane middle left. It is doubtful at the time that anyone realized the one. In an attempt to force iran to accept a ceasefire, iraq initiated the socalled tanker war by attacking iranian oil tankers. In a surprise attack iraq managed to conquer iranian territory causing enormous loss of lives iran succeeded in gaining the initiative when the iraqi city of basra was besieged by iranian forces iraq started bombing iranian cities with longrange scuds eventually iraq used chemical weapons against iranian troops and against kurdish civilians halabja, 1988 saddam hussein. Contains discussions regarding the status of iran iraq war and current military plans and preparations to resist iranian raids effectively by air and sea. The following five points show that the air war between iraq and iran is a good representation of the performance of third world air power. Several years after the arab oil embargo, seeing another major oil exp.

Many were subsequently integrated into the iraqi security forces, particularly the army and the national police. The iraq and iran war strained iraqs political, and social life. Estimates of total casualties range from 1,000,000 to twice that number. Paf provides the air force with independent analyses of policy alternatives affecting the development. Professor karsh addresses the causes of the iraniraq war, unpacking the objectives of the two belligerents and examining how far objectives were matched. First, the iraniraq war was the longest war of the twentieth century, providing the iraqi air. Iraniraq conflict causes and consequences 198088 introduction.

During the eight years between iraqs formal declaration of war on september 22, 1980, and irans acceptance of a ceasefire with effect on july 20, 1988, at the very least half a million and. The battle of khorramshahr was a major engagement between iraq and iran in the iraniraq war. Although iraq won the war militarily, and possessed a significant military advantage over iran in 1989, the 1991 persian gulf war reduced iraqs capabilities to a point where a rough parity now exists between iran and iraqconditions similar to those found in 1980. The iranian air force was equipped with the f4 and f5e, but the undisputed master of the skies was the f14 tomcat which destroyed over 150 iraqi. The iran iraq war was one of the longest and the costliest wars of the twentieth century. Coalition scudhunting in iraq, 1991 33 of numbers of mobile launchers or where they were based or hiding. Conscious of this stalemate, the iraqi authorities. Air forces federally funded research and development center for studies and analyses. When iran and iraq ended a brutal 8year war in 1988, the iraqi air force had fought well. A total of 798 iranian prisoners of war and 1,193 iraqi prisoners of war were flown back to their respective countries on three flights by iran air jumbo jet, while the icrc chartered an aircraft to repatriate on four flights some 500 wounded and sick prisoners 221 iranians and 257 iraqis. After 2003, thousands of badr militiamen entered southern iraq from iran to help secure that part of the country. Thefirstarabisraeli war194749 it is hard to say if the arab air forces learned any airpower lessons from their experiencesin thefirst warwith israel. Bergquist pdf with commentary at air university press filed under. The iraniraq war was one of the longest and the costliest wars of the twentieth century.

No one is sure of the total casualties during the iran iraq war, but estimates range from 500,000 to 1 million dead, 12 million wounded, and more than 80,000 prisoners. The authors used a treasure trove of original, iraqi documents some 600,000 captured during operation iraqi freedom and thousands of hours of interviews with former iraqi military officials. Both iran and iraq entered their war having a certain amount of historical. Iraq had purchased new and very capable fighter aircraft, including mig29s from the soviet union and mirage f1s from france. The iraqiran war 1980 1988 on 22 september 1980, iraqi troops invaded iran, starting a war that would last for eight years. Two titanic air forces armed with advanced fighters took part in aerial battles on a scale that will hopefully never be repeated. Iraq war transition of iranian leadership and military decision to invade.

The iran iraq war is one of the largest, yet least documented conflicts in the history of the middle east. This conflict did not begin only because of their historical and geographic differences. Implications of the iraniraq war einternational relations. Air combat memoirs of the iranian air force pilots. For more information on accessing this file, please visit our help page helaidahaaeng. Thus, the war in a sense no winner, and both countries suffered from the war. Jan 27, 2016 the last great air war was that between iran and iraq 19801988. Iraniraq war 2 origins postcolonial era one of the factors contributing to hostility between the two powers was a dispute over full control of the shatt alarab waterway known as arvand rud in iran at the head of the persian gulf, an important channel for the oil exports of both countries.

Iraniraq war in the air 19801988 schiffer military. Williamson murray is professor emeritus at the ohio state university and senior fellow at ida. Iraniraq war in the air 19801988 by tom cooper and farzad bishop atglen, pa. The iraqis claimed a total of five air to air kills with these missiles, including two f5es, one f4d, one ch, and a bell 214c helicopter. Drawing from an extensive cache of captured iraqi government records, this book is the first comprehensive military and strategic account of the war through the lens of the iraqi regime and its senior military commanders.